It's gonna be a great one, I just know it.
Thank you for all of your support over the past year- whether it be on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or on ze Blogosphere. Had an awesome time filming, snapping and writing for you all.
Heres a picture which I think sums up my year. Its been cray cray.
I turned twenty six. I met Carly, Onna and Liz at Shoot Me Fab. Travelled to the New Forest. Had a 'Spice Girls' High Tea with my Mummy. Got infected with Shingles. Started a new Job. Enjoyed the 'Last Fisher Family' holiday in Portugal, or so my Dad thinks. Learnt to pole dance and was pretty darn good at it. Had THE best USA themed Bridal Shower EVER. Married my best friend. Watched my little bro play at Twickenham. Explored San Diego, LA and San Francisco. Met Lily and Anna at their Kiehls Meetup. Took part in a epic bake-a-thon with Mumma Fish. Celebrated an amazing Christmas day surround by Fishers and Mr Lawrence.
So what will 2014 bring? You can make a change to your life- any day, any time. Don't wait for a new year or even a new day to change your mind set- live to to the fullest. That being said, here are my resolutions-
1. Train more frequently. When I do I train hard- BUT towards the end of 2013 I let my 4x a weekly routine slip and I am definitely gonna get a hold of that this year. I am loving my Ashtanga yoga with Krishna Yoga and my Husband is opening his own Crossfit Box (
Crossfit2012) so I will have NO excuses.
2. Clean up my Diet. I do eat in a paleolithic/ primal style and my main meals have remained that way. But in the festive season I have definitely consumed more alcohol and sugar than normal and I am feeling the bloat. So I gotta tighten the treats up just a little and flush out the baddies so that I can feel confident in my skinnies once more.
3. Don't set myself up to fail. I tend to set myself unrealistic expectations. From work, to training, perfect diet, skin, hair, nails, youtube, blogging, my house etccccccccc. No one is perfect, and I can't expect myself to be. So I need to learn to be happy about where I am in the moment, take joy from everyday, especially the little things.
4. Be kind to myself. Sorta, kinda goes with what I said above. But I just have to reiterate. Your biggest critic will always be you. Criticise less, compliment more.. you catch my drift.
5. Read more. I'm not talking blogs, grazia, daily mail or any other showbiz news. I mean real, hard core books. Perhaps even some fiction. I know I need to, I should want to grow my vocabulary, suspend my disbelief and enjoy being quiet still. I claim to have NO time, but you make time for what is important.
So what do you think? Good rezzies? What are yours? Liz xoxo